Biblioteca Hospital 12 de Octubre
Amuriza Chicharro, Natalia de Gomis Muñoz, Pilar Herreros de Tejada López-Coterilla, Alberto Valero Zanuy, María de los Ángeles

Evaluación de las prácticas de administración de fármacos por sonda nasoentérica y enterostomía en pacientes hospitalizados [artículo] - Nutricion Hospitalaria, 2012 - 27(3):879-888.

Formato Vancouver:
de Amuriza Chicharro N, Romero Jiménez RM, Valero Zanuy MA, Gomis Muñoz P, Herreros de Tejada A. Evaluación de las prácticas de administración de fármacos por sonda nasoentérica y enterostomía en pacientes hospitalizados. Nutr Hosp. 2012;27(3):879-88.

PMID: 23114950

Contiene 23 referencias

Objective: To describe the administration of drugs through nasogastric tubes by the nursing staff of a tertiary hospital and to identify the most common administration errors. Methods: An observational study was carried out between November of 2010 and March of 2011. The study population was the nursing staff of the hospital. A questionnaire was created asking about the daily practice of drugs administration through the nasogastric tube; a score was assigned to each question. A document on correct administration techniques of drugs through the nasogastric tube was elaborated, which served for the comparison of the answers obtained. Results: A total of 162 surveys were answered. Most of the staff (44.5%) had a deficient knowledge on the proper administration techniques. 69.7% of the staff stated to have grinded some time a tablet with enteric coverage, and 66.2% a tablet with modified release. A significant lower number of perceived obstructions per month was obtained in those nurses with higher degree of knowledge, in those consulting the Pharmacy Department when they had doubts, and in those never having grinded a tablet with enteric coverage of modified release. Conclusions: It is observed that the knowledge on proper administration of drugs through the nasogastric tube by the nursing staff is deficient; therefore, it would be convenient to carry out specific training courses as well as a closer collaboration between the Pharmacy department and the Nursing units. (Nutr Hosp. 2012;27:879-888) DOI:10.3305/nh.2012.27.3.5747

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